Terms and conditions
This site www.ebg.ro, hereinafter referred to as the “site” is owned and administered by the company Eurobusiness Tipar S.R.L., the legal entity having the following identification data No. Registration: J/23/2038/2010 • CIF: 16976252 • Work location: Popești-Leordeni/07716 • Strada Industriei No. 21 Jud. Ilfov • mail office@tipografiaeurobusiness.ro
Any natural or legal person, present on the site, who performs any kind of action is subject to the Terms and Conditions present on this page.
We reserve the right to make changes to the Terms and Conditions page as well as any changes to the www.ebg.ro website without prior notice. By visiting the Terms and Conditions page, you can always read the most recent version of these provisions.
Site – The www.ebg.ro domain and all its associated subdomains.
User – Any natural or legal person who has access to the content made available by any means by Intersigma has agreed to the site-specific clauses in the General Terms and Conditions section.
Client – the natural person / legal entity that has or obtains access to the CONTENT, through any means of communication made available by Intersigma (electronically, by telephone, etc.) or based on an existing user agreement between Intersigma and it.
“Request an offer” an electronic document that acts as the form of communication between the user and Intersigma, through which Intersigma conveys to the user through the website the intention to purchase services from the Website.
“Contact form” an electronic document that is the form of communication between the user and Intersigma through which the user conveys to Intersigma the intention to communicate with it through the website.
Document – these Terms and Conditions.
Content – the goal of the content of the site is to convey updated and accurate information.
SC Eurobusiness Tipar SRL cannot guarantee that these pages do not contain errors, and assures you that it makes every effort to provide correct information and remedy any errors.
Any person who wishes to purchase one of the services presented on the website is asked to contact SC Eurobusiness SRL through one of the means displayed on the Contact page of the website, in order to find out both about the availability of the service in question and about the contractual conditions , tariffs and technical or other information.
Personal information: when information is requested through this website, it is for the purpose of identifying you or being able to contact you. The nature of the requested information refers in particular to personal data (name, phone numbers), e-mail address, but may also include other information closely related to the use of the requested services.
In order to better respond to the needs and questions of website users, the information requested through this website will be subject to electronic storage and processing.
Links to other sites – this site may contain links or references to other sites considered by SC Eurobusiness Tipar SRL useful in relation to the content of its site and which are not under its control or guidance. In the case of using these links or references, the general conditions of use corresponding to those sites will apply.
SC Eurobusiness SRL cannot guarantee/control the timeliness/accuracy of the information present on the websites of third parties, to which reference is made from its website.
The information provided through the site – any person who visits the site and who provides data or personal information through this site expressly and unequivocally consents to the following: the processing of this data and personal information by Intersigma in order to conducting market studies; sending promotional materials specific to online marketing operations; the resolution by SC Eurobusiness SRL of the requests, questions and complaints addressed (see the Contact page on the website); other activities undertaken by Intersigma and permitted by law, which are not subject to approval by the recipient.
Confidentiality – SC Eurobusiness SRL maintains the confidentiality of any information you provide. We use your data, only if we have your consent, in several ways, depending on their nature. The disclosure of the information provided could only be made to you under the conditions mentioned in this Document.
The entire content of the website www.ebg.ro, including texts, images, graphics, web graphic elements, scripts and any other data, is the property of S.C. Eurobusiness Tipar S.R.L. or its suppliers and is protected under copyright and intellectual property laws. The use without written consent of any elements on the website www.ebg.ro, or of any elements listed above is punishable according to the laws in force. To claim intellectual property rights, you can use the email address office@tipografiaeurobusiness.ro
By using, viewing or purchasing the products on this site, the user acknowledges that the Romanian laws will govern the above Terms and Conditions and any dispute of any kind that may arise between the user and SC Eurobusiness Tipar SRL In case of possible conflicts between SC Eurobusiness Tipar SRL and its customers, we first try to resolve them amicably within at least 30 working days.
If the amicable solution is not possible, the conflict will be resolved in the competent court in accordance with the Romanian laws in force.